CGCN Frequently Asked Questions

Read some of the most frequently asked questions about the Canadian Grapevine Certification Network. Our extensive list FAQs might just have the answer you're looking for.

Where is CGCN located?

Our offices are located at 1634 South Service Road, St. Catharines, Ontario, although we do have Board members in each of the four grape-growing provinces (British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec and Nova Scotia). If you wish to contact us, please click here.

Where can I buy certified vines?

Vines are available for order at our participating nurseries. Please visit the Certification tab of our website for either Verified or Certified vine availability. 

What are Grapevine Viruses?

Grapevines get viruses just like people get sick with a virus like the flu or chickenpox. The effects of these viruses on growth of the grapevine include reduced sugars, reduced berry size, less colour and reduced yields. Each of these effects have been shown to result in significant economic losses to grape growers.

Unfortunately, unlike people who can take medicine to help rid themselves of a virus, infected grapevines need to be removed, and then replanted with clean stock. As grapevines do not produce a full crop until 3-5 years after planting, this cycle can be very expensive for grape growers.

Where can I get my grapevines tested?

CGCN uses the testing labs at Brock University’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute for virus testing. We recommend visiting their website to learn more regarding collecting samples from your personal vineyard to submit for testing.

Who is on your Certification Committee?

Our Certification Committee is chaired by CGCN Secretary, Bob Prange and is comprised of industry professionals from research institutions, AAFC, CFIA, nurseries, wineries and vineyards, as well as our entire CGCN Board of Directors.

What’s with all the acronyms?

We know they can get confusing! Here is a quick reference to some commonly used acronyms:

  • CGCN-RCCV – Canadian Grapevine Certification Network - Reseau canadien de certification de la vigne
  • CFIA – Canadian Food Inspection Agency
  • AAFC – Agriculture and Agri Food Canada
  • CAP - Canadian Agricultural Partnership
  • GVLRaV – Grapevine Leaf Roll Associated Virus (commonly referred to as Leaf Roll)
  • GVFLV – Grapevine Fan Leaf Virus (commonly referred to as Fan Leaf)
  • GPGV – Grapevine Pinot Gris Virus
  • GRBV – Grapevine Red Blotch Virus (commonly referred to as Red Blotch)

What if I want a specific varietal to go through the clean certification process?

Every year we take suggestions for varietals that the industry would like to see put into CGCN’s clean plant repository the following year and eventually go through the certification program. Please send us a message or let your provincial Board Director know if there is a specific varietal you would like to see in the program.

Where can I learn more about the research being done under the Cluster?

The AgriScience Program Cluster research (or Cluster as it is more commonly called) was active from April of 2018 and ended March 2023. To read yearly research summaries, please visit the Research tab of our website.

Researchers, as well as the CGCN, organized Knowledge and Technology Transfer activities over the 5 years, including social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube), webinars, and research activities. Visit our Webinars page for recordings of past sessions! Follow us on social media, and subscribe to our e-newsletter to keep updated with events and resources.

Where can I go if I am a Canadian grapevine nursery and want to become certified?

Visit the Certification tab of our website to learn more or contact us to learn about the next steps.

Who can I contact if I have any more questions?


Don't see the answer to your question here? 

Learn more about the CGCN, review our research efforts, or contact us for more information.

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Become Certified

We help ensure nurseries, growers and wineries have access to clean, quality grapevine material. To learn more about CGCN, or apply to our Certification Programs, contact our team today. 

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