Webinar: 'Crop Protection & Monitoring' Cluster Update
Researchers present updates on their respective Grape & Wine Cluster projects.
Researchers present updates on their respective Grape & Wine Cluster projects.
Summerland RDC - BC Growing Degree Days Update May 2022
Researchers share their expertise on their respective topics and provide advice to viewers.
Summerland RDC - BC Growing Degree Days Update April 2022
Researchers present updates on their respective Grape & Wine Cluster projects.
Kentville RDC - Final 2021-22 Nova Scotia Bud Hardiness Report
Summerland RDC - Grape Hardiness Update for Early April 2022 BC
Researchers present updates on their respective Grape & Wine Cluster projects within the theme of managing grapevine virus diseases
10th report on bud cold hardiness monitoring in Québec for winter 2021-22.
Ninth report on bud cold hardiness monitoring in Québec for winter 2021-22.
We help ensure nurseries, growers and wineries have access to clean, quality grapevine material. To learn more about CGCN, or apply to our Certification Programs, contact our team today.