Grape Hardiness for Early December - BC
Summerland RDC - Grape Hardiness for Early December BC
Summerland RDC - Grape Hardiness for Early December BC
Summerland RDC - Grape Hardiness for Late November BC
Summerland RDC - Grape Hardiness for Mid November BC
Summerland RDC - BC Growing Degrees Days update October 2020
Summerland RDC - Grape Hardiness for Late October BC
On October 27th, Brock University’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) announced a $6.2- million funding commitment through Genome Canada’s Genomic Applications Partnership Program (GAPP) to support the Canadian Grapevine Certification Network (CGCN-RCCV) and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) in supplying the industry with certified virus-free grapevine planting material.
By: Rick VanSickle October 9th, 2020 The Ontario wine industry is in one big hot mess right now, fighting fires on several fronts with few tools to extinguish all the flames engulfing them.
By: Luyi Cheng Northwestern University October 16th, 2020 Alison Crowe knows there’s a problem. Crowe is a winemaker in California’s Napa Valley. “If you drove through my vineyards right now, you’d see these cute little fuzzy leaves and tiny little baby grape clusters,” she said in April, when everything in the vineyards looked fine. But around July and August, for some vineyards, red blotches appeared on grapevines’ leaves. The blotches signal infection, caused by a virus that stunts...
OWRI Upcoming Webinar series on Red Blotch disease in grapevine
We help ensure nurseries, growers and wineries have access to clean, quality grapevine material. To learn more about CGCN, or apply to our Certification Programs, contact our team today.