Grape Hardiness for Late October 2021 - BC
Summerland RDC - Grape Hardiness for Late October 2021 BC
Summerland RDC - Grape Hardiness for Late October 2021 BC
An international team of researchers published a scientific study on cryotherapy and cryopreservation with grapevines.
Summerland RDC - BC Growing Degrees Days update September 2021
Tips for winemakers on how to manage sour rot in the winery.
Summerland RDC - BC Growing Degrees Days update August 2021
World's first organic treatment for Pierce's disease in grapevines
Summerland RDC - BC Growing Degrees Days update July 2021
Summerland RDC - BC Growing Degrees Days update June 2021
The purpose of this guide is to help growers and advisers properly recognize diseases of grapes in Eastern Canada.
We help ensure nurseries, growers and wineries have access to clean, quality grapevine material. To learn more about CGCN, or apply to our Certification Programs, contact our team today.