2019 Late Bunch Stem Necrosis Status & Survey
Nova Scotia research based on late bunch stem necrosis, focusing on Marquette grapes
Nova Scotia research based on late bunch stem necrosis, focusing on Marquette grapes
It is critical to manage not just the causal organisms but also the Drosophila flies (spotted wing Drosophila as well as Drosophila melanogaster, the common “fruit fly) that can carry sour rot.
climate and ripening report for the 2019 growing season in Nova Scotia
The Grape Growers of Ontario, in partnership with Brock University's Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) are pleased to announce the launch of a brand-new viticulture webinar series. The series will look at current topics with experts in the field from bud survival to irrigation timing.
Video update from AAFC researchers in BC, featuring CGCN-RCCV Chair, Hans Buchler
Custom Propagation for Grape Growers/Wineries under the Interim Verification Program is available.
CCOVI partnered with two commercial grape growers to plant the St. Catharines and Niagara-on-the-Lake vineyards that are being used for a clone and rootstock evaluation program of the main VQA grapevine varieties in Ontario.
July 12 – 17, 2020, the leading research scientists and industry professionals including winemakers and grape growers from around the world will gather in St. Catharines, Ontario, Canada to discuss the challenges and opportunities of cool climate grape and wine production at the 10th International Cool Climate Wine Symposium (ICCWS).
Brock University’s Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) has partnered with the grape and wine industry to produce certified, clean grapevines.
We help ensure nurseries, growers and wineries have access to clean, quality grapevine material. To learn more about CGCN, or apply to our Certification Programs, contact our team today.