Nova Scotia Wine grape bud hardiness - Late January 2019
Grape bud hardiness report for Nova Scotia, Late January 2019
Grape bud hardiness report for Nova Scotia, Late January 2019
Grape bud hardiness report for Nova Scotia, Early January 2019
Grape bud hardiness report for Nova Scotia, Late December 2018.
Grape bud hardiness report for Nova Scotia, Mid December 2018.
Grape bud hardiness report for Nova Scotia, Late November 2018.
Grape bud hardiness report for Nova Scotia, Mid November 2018.
Grape bud hardiness report for Nova Scotia, Late October 2018.
Grape bud hardiness reports for BC, Mid February 2020.
Grape bud hardiness reports for BC, Late January 2020.
Pat Bowen, Carl Bogdanoff and Brad Estergaard of Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada explore climate characteristics for Vitis vinifera production regions in Canada: 1965 - 2019.
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