Grape Hardiness Update for Late January - Kelowna and Similkameen Supplement

Posted Jan 29th, 2024 in Cold Hardiness & Climate Change

Summerland Research and Development Centre

Grape Hardiness Update for Late January - Kelowna and Similkameen Supplement

Attached are the Supplement Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for late January.  The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on January 24th and 25th in the Okanagan and Similkameen Valley.

Not all the usual varieties/locations were sampled this week so note the following distinction this week between samples not collected (marked “NA”) and no LTE events observed (marked “.”).  If no LTE events are observed it is assumed the buds are already dead at the time of sampling.

Additional Foch and Marquette samples were analyzed this week.  Most of these variety samples did produce LTE events but still at less than full percentage.

Marechal Foch - The East Kelowna location had 0 (0%) observed LTE events while at the South Kelowna Foch location there were 3 out of 15 (20%) samples with observed LTE events.

Marquette – The West Kelowna location had 8 of 45 (18%) samples with LTE events, the South Kelowna location had 9 of 15 (60%) samples with LTE events and the Peachland location had 3 out of 15 (20%) samples with LTE events..

Click here to read the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results

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