Webinar: Disease Resistant Varieties & Climate Change 

Posted May 25th, 2023 in Webinars

Disease Resistant Varieties & Climate Change 

For the third and last installment of our three-part 2023 webinar series on climate change, we focused on disease resistant varieties. This webinar addresses popular disease resistant varieties in Canada, how climate change relates to varietal use/selection, and upcoming research initiatives and experimental fungus and disease resistant grapevine varieties. Our esteemed speakers, Darcy O'Neil and Alexander Morandell from PIWI International, Andréanne Hébert-Haché from the Centre de recherche agroalimentaire de Mirabel (CRAM), and Helen Fisher from the University of Guelph, provided presentations followed by a thought provoking Q&A session. Thank you to everyone that attended the live session. Please visit www.cgcn-rccv.ca/webinars-cgcn if you are interested in downloading materials that were presented. Please also feel free to share this YouTube link with colleagues.

To download the presentations in this session, click the links below.

Selecting new cultivars for a resilient industry - Andréanne Hébert-Haché

New varieties for what climate

To access the studies mentioned by Darcy O'Neil, click the links below.

Cool Climate Grape Breeding JKI

Lisek&Lisek Cold Hardiness Grapes Poland

Please visit www.piwigrapes.ca for more information on PIWI varieties in Canada. If you have any questions, please email Darcy O'Neil at dso@artofdrink.com

Time Stamps:

CGCN-RCCV presentation - 3:37 mins

PIWI presentation - 13:35 mins

Andréanne Hébert-Haché - 32:58 mins

Helen Fisher - 1:03:00 mins

Q&A session - 1:17:54 mins

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