Grape Hardiness Update for Early January 2023 - BC

Posted Jan 9th, 2023 in Cold Hardiness & Climate Change

Summerland Research and Development Centre

Grape Hardiness Update for Early January 2023 - BC

Attached are the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results for early January. The sampled hardiness levels were determined as average lethal temperature exotherms (LTE) measured on buds of several varieties by region collected on January 4th and 5th in the Okanagan Valley.

*Due to the extreme cold weather event of ~Dec 19-23, 2022, additional cane samples were collected this week for manual bud dissections.  These results should be available next week.  Preliminary results indicate moderate to high bud damage across the valley.  Please take the bud hardiness values calculated this week with a grain of salt as some of the exotherms may be from remnant tissues in already damaged buds.

Click here to read the Winter Grape Bud Hardiness results

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