Nova Scotia 2022-23 Bud Hardiness Report No. 3

Posted Jan 4th, 2023 in Cold Hardiness & Climate Change

Kentville Research and Development Centre

2022-23 Bud Hardiness Report No. 3 - Nova Scotia

Attached, from Jeff Franklin and Dr. Harrison Wright, is the third Nova Scotia bud hardiness report for the 2022-23 year.  The Nova Scotia wine grape bud hardiness survey generates a bi-weekly report of the low temperature exotherm (LTE) values over the dormant period (roughly from late October to late April). 

Note from the research team: "Acclimation of all varieties in the survey have changed very little from the previous survey date. From our surveys over the last five years, we have observed that buds typically deepen their acclimation by 1 to 2 °C at this time of year. The likely reason for this pause in acclimation is the above average temperatures experienced in December. Temperatures for the first 3 weeks of December were 1.7 °C warmer than the 25-year average. Despite this, we continue to maintain a wide margin of safety between observed temperatures and bud hardiness values for the time being. The current 2-week forecast predicts that temperatures will remain above average."

Click here to read the full report

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