Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention "Educational Series 2" - Grape events
The pandemic has forced the Ontario Fruit and Vegetable Convention to postpone the annual gathering of horticultural fruit and vegetable growers. In order to continue to support producers with access to industry expertise and topical educational information, OFVC is proud to present the 2021 Educational Series.
The program provides a series of free educational presentations, available through ofvc.ca. The presentations will range in scope from live sessions to pre-recorded videos. Access links will be provided in the OFVC digital eNewsletters distributed bi-weekly beginning in January.
Pre-recorded video presentations will be available for viewing anytime at ofvc.ca. Live sessions will be available during scheduled times and may require advance registration. Live presentations are presented using the Zoom application and can be viewed on desktop, tablet or mobile device. If you do not have high speed internet, log in using audio only to ensure a better experience.
How can you ensure you are part of the free program?
If you registered for OFVC in the past 2 years, you are already on the list to receive the eNewsletters.
If you have not been to the convention but want to be included, simply click here to SUBSCRIBE NOW or use the button below to join the list.
Click on the following link to view the current available videos: https://www.ofvc.ca/videos.html
Available videos:
- How R&D Can Support Your Own Agri-food Business; Speakers: Tavis Banks and Dr. Amy Bowen, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre
- Developments in Automation Systems for Crop Management; Speakers: Hussam Haroun and Brian Lynch, Vineland Research and Innovation Centre
- WSIB and COVID-19: Here to Help in the Event of an Outbreak; Speaker: Kendra Holliday-Bryant, WSIB
- Precision Agriculture: Development of Novel Tools for Crop Protection; Speaker: Vava Grbic, Western University
- Making Red Wine from Hybrids: Challenges and How to Solve Them; Speaker: Karine Pedneault, Université Sainte-Anne, Nova Scotia
- Coopers's CSA: The Benefits of Selling Online; Speaker: Lisa Cooper, Cooper's CSA
- L. plantarum ML-Prime – A New Tool to Control Malolactic Fermentation; Speaker: Dr. Sibylle Krieger-Weber, Lallemand SAS, Germany
- Natural and Organic Winemaking: Risks and Management, Importance of SO2; Speaker: Pierre-Louis Teissedre, Université de Bordeaux, France
- Pesticide Resistance 101; Speakers: Hannah Fraser, Katie Goldenhar, Kristen Obied, OMAFRA
- Managing Pesticide Resistance in Insects and Mites; Speaker: Hannah Fraser, OMAFRA Centre
- Fungicide Resistance Risk & Management; Speaker: Katie Goldenhar, OMAFRA
- Herbicide Resistance Risk and Management; Speaker: Kristen Obeid, OMAFRA
- Enhanced Agri-Food Workplace Protection Program – Apply Now for Funding; Speaker: Bradley Shaw, OMAFRA
- Where Are We After 10 Years of Spotted Wing Drosophila; Speaker: Hannah Burrack, North Carolina State University, USA
- TanninAlert: A Red Winemaking Tool for Ontario Winemakers to Improve Tannin Extraction and Red; Speaker: Debbie Inglis, Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute - Brock University
- Effective Grape Spraying: What Can Go Wrong and How to Get it Right; Speaker: Dr. David Manktelow, Applied Research & Technology Ltd, New Zealand
- Wines You Love; Grape Growers of Ontario
FEBRUARY 12, 2021 | 12:30 pm - 1 pm EST
Making Red Wine from Hybrids: Challenges and How to Solve Them.
Speaker: Karine Pedneault, Assistant Professor, Université Sainte-Anne, Nova Scotia
Organized by: Belinda Kemp (Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) at Brock University)
In Canada, interspecific hybrid (IH) grape varieties showing a high tolerance to cold temperatures are popular among growers, especially in provinces such as Quebec, Ontario and Nova Scotia where variations in winter climate, and yearly variation in summer temperatures may affect vine health and berry ripening, respectively. IH varieties are issued from crosses between the traditional Vitis vinifera varieties, and other Vitis species such as V. riparia, V. labrusca, and others. Due to their genetics, IH varieties carry a number of characteristics that makes them different from V. vinifera varieties, not only in the vineyard (higher vigor, higher disease tolerance, higher resistance to cold.) but also in the winery. Besides having their own aroma character, red IHG berries often show high color, high protein but low tannin content. In many red and white varieties, nitrogen content is often twice as high as the values found in traditional V. vinifera varieties. While many winemakers use traditional winemaking processes for the production of IH wine, some of these processes provide average results, insufficient to compete with V. vinifera wines on the market. In this webinar, challenges related to IH winemaking will be discussed and alternative processes that may help improving the quality of IH wine will be presented.
Live event. Advance registration required. Click here to register
FEBRUARY 18, 2021 | 7 pm - 9 pm
Effective Grape Spraying: What Can Go Wrong and How to Get it Right
Speaker: David Manktelow, Applied Research & Technology Ltd, New Zealand
Organized by: Wendy McFadden-Smith, OMAFRA
Live event. Advance registration required. Click here to register
FEBRUARY 26, 2021 | 12:30 pm - 1 pm
Tannin Alert: A Red Winemaking Tool for Ontario Winemakers to Improve Tannin Extraction and Red Wine Consumer Preference
Speaker: Debbie Inglis, Director of the Cool Climate Oenology & Viticulture Institute (CCOVI), and Professor in Faculty of Math and Science, Brock UniversityOrganized by: Belinda Kemp, Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) at Brock University
Live event. Advance registration required. Click here to register
MARCH 9, 2021 | 12:00 pm - 1 pm
Impact of COVID on the Grape and Wine Industry
Speakers: Marie Cundari and Aaron Pothier, LCBOOrganized by: Kathryn Carter, OMAFRA
Live event. Advance registration required. Click here to register
LCBO Ontario Wines Business Updates
Speaker: Marie, Cundari and Aaron Pothier, LCBO,
Organized by: OMAFRA contact, Kathryn Carter-OMAFRA contact
Live event. Advance registration is required. Click here to register.
MARCH 11, 2021 | 12:00 pm - 1 pm
Fresh Grape Cost of Production
Speaker: John Molenhuis, OMAFRA
Organized by: Kathryn Carter, OMAFRA
Live event. Click here to register.