Upcoming Webinar series on Red Blotch disease in grapevine

Posted Oct 19th, 2020 in News & Updates

Upcoming Webinar series on Red Blotch disease in grapevine

Upcoming Webinar series on Red Blotch disease in grapevine

OWRI Webinar Series: Grape Red Blotch Virus | Oregon Wine Industry

Join Oregon State University Extension and the Oregon Wine Research Institute (OWRI) for a live webinar series starting Oct. 20, 2020 focusing on Grape Red Blotch Disease.

These seminars will focus on research findings from Oregon-based studies conducted by researchers at OWRI and partners at the USDA-ARS. Seminars will cover virus epidemiology, vector identification and biology, grapevine performance, wine production, fruit and wine composition, and wine sensory results. Each seminar will allow a live question/answer session.

Seminars are FREE but registration is required in advance.


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