Nova Scotia 2019 wine grape fall ripening report

Posted Oct 11th, 2019 in Cold Hardiness & Climate Change, News & Updates

Nova Scotia 2019 wine grape fall ripening report

Research Update from Kentville Research & Development Center. Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada. October 2019

2019 Wine Grape Fall Ripening Report

The fall of 2018 in Nova Scotia was cool and damp. The winter of 2018/19 saw average winter temperatures, but below average insulating snowfall accumulation meant freezing temperatures where able to penetrate deeper into the soil than normal. THis, along with ther climactic factors, meant cool soil temperatures persisted longer than normal and the vines had a late start to the season. 

Click here to read the full report: WrightKRDCwinegrapefallmaturityreport....pdf

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