Grapevine Viruses (McFadden-Smith, Poojari, Parent, Sept. 2017)

Posted Apr 16th, 2018 in Strategic Virus Management

Grapevine Viruses (McFadden-Smith, Poojari, Parent, Sept. 2017)

In research done by Wendy McFadden-Smith (OMAFRA), Sudarsana Poojari and Jean-Philippe Parent (AAFC), Typical symptoms of Leafroll disease in red cultivars include red-purple discoloration, and rolling backwards of the leaves. In white varietals, this is not as prevalent, although can sometimes be seen closer to the end of the growing season.

Although Grapevine Leafroll and Grapevine Red Blotch can be similar in appearance, there are slight differences observed such as no downward rolling of leaf margins in red blotch infected red and white cultivars.

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