Agri-Science Funding Application

Posted Jan 10th, 2018 in News & Updates

Agri-Science Funding Application

Through the Canadian Grape and Wine Science Cluster, CGCN has applied for funding under the AgriScience program led by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in order to develop a strategy for best management practices in the vineyards with researchers and industry. The application was submitted January 8th, 2018 for $17 million and is currently under review with a decision to come in spring.

The top research priority is the strategic management of grapevine virus diseases, to be achieved through coordination of research activities. Along with research into cold hardiness and sustainable management of soil, water and crop quality to overall improve the quality of Canadian wines.

The key to all of this is the knowledge and technology transfer back to the industry.


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We help ensure nurseries, growers and wineries have access to clean, quality grapevine material. To learn more about CGCN, or apply to our Certification Programs, contact our team today. 

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